sl(2), type \(A^{1}_1\)
Structure constants and notation.
Root subalgebras / root subsystems.
Semisimple subalgebras.

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g: A^{1}_1. There are 2 table entries (= 0 larger than the Cartan subalgebra + the Cartan subalgebra + the full subalgebra).
Type k_{ss}: A^{1}_1
(Full subalgebra)
Type C(k_{ss})_{ss}: 0
Type k_{ss}: 0
(Cartan subalgebra)
Type C(k_{ss})_{ss}: A^{1}_1

There are 2 parabolic, 0 pseudo-parabolic but not parabolic and 0 non pseudo-parabolic root subsystems.
The roots needed to generate the root subsystems are listed below.
["parabolic","0", []],
["parabolic","A^{1}_1", [[1]]]
LaTeX table with root subalgebra details.
\usepackage{longtable, amssymb, lscape}
Lie algebra type: $A^{1}_1$. There are 2 table entries (= 0 larger than the Cartan subalgebra + the Cartan subalgebra + the full subalgebra).
Let $\mathfrak g$ stand for the type of the regular subalgebra and $C(\mathfrak g)$ for the type of the centralizer. Let $r$ stand for the rank of $\mathfrak g$, let $r_c$ stand for the rank of the semisimple part of the centralizer, let $p$ stand for the number of positive roots of $\mathfrak g$, let $q$ stand for the number of positive roots of the centralizer, and let $m$ stand for the number of $A_1$ components (of all root lengths) of $\mathfrak g$. \begin{longtable}{cccccccc}
$\mathfrak g$ & $C(\mathfrak g)$& $p$ & $q$& $m$& $r$ & $c_r$ \\\endhead